Activists for Middle East protest AIPAC
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is holding its annual conference at the Washington Convention Center with a mission to “promote U.S. Israel relations.”
On Sunday, March 2, 2014, it was confronted by spirited activists protesting outside the convention hall. They were led by CODEPINK, a national women organization that stands for “Peace and Social Justice.”
A strong Palestinian-American contingent also was present at the demonstration.
CODEPINK is protesting for “Palestinian rights and no war with Iran.” (Check out: Human Rights Watch . Earlier this week, CODEPINK/and or one of its allies, released a video mocking AIPAC. It was posted on You Tube, but it was later “taken down.” Supposedly, it is up again. Click here.
Please see my Facebook page for more photos.
Speaking on camera on this video is Medea Benjamin-co founder of CODEPINK. She is leaving with a delegation of women to Gaza, via Egypt. I asked a number of the AIPAC delegates at the demonstration, if they wanted to speak on camera, but they all declined. One of them told me : “What’s the point? You see how small this protest is.”

Bill Hughes is an attorney, author, actor and photographer. His latest book is “Byline Baltimore.” It can be found at:
I was there protesting.