Steve Bannon’s ‘America First’ influence over in the White House
Intrigue inside President Donald Trump’s White House burst out into the open this week. Steve Bannon, one of the president’s most loyal strategists during his upset winning campaign for office, and an advocate of an “America First” policy, was unceremoniously demoted.
Bannon was kicked off the powerful National Security Council and given a lesser position in WH affairs. He is known as a “flaming populist.”
Meanwhile, Trump also decided, without Congressional authorization, to use military force against the Syrian regime headed by Bashar al-Assad. About 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles were launched. This kind of military action puts America right in the middle of Syria’s dirty Civil War.
The lethal strikes also apparently write “finis” to Trump’s supposed “America First” policy. Think instead — Global Cop!
(At press time, elements from both the Left and Right have labeled the Syrian chemical attack a “False Flag Op.” Former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) said it was most likely carried out by U.S. backed “Al Qaeda-filled rebels.” Scott Adams, a Liberal, and creator of “Dilbert,” thinks it was a “false flag Op,” since Assad had nothing to gain from such an horrific action)

Naturally, Trump’s White House is playing Bannon’s ouster down, labeling it as “insignificant.” Hardly anyone on the Planet Earth believes that line however.
Coming out on top in this shocker of a reorganization are, among others, two White House aides. One is the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, age 36, whose influence continues to grow daily by leaps and bounds.
Kushner is married to Trump’s daughter, Ivanka. (She also works in the WH). Kushner’s initial portfolio as a senior advisor called on him to focus on China. Now, his father-in-law has enlarged it to include the Middle East. His post is titled: “Office of American Innovation.” (That sounds important as Hell to me.)
Another key White House advisor, Gary Cohn, doesn’t give a good hoot about Bannon, or his right wing politics, either. His specialty is economics. Its economics, however, from a Globalist/Banker’s point of view.
Cohn is linked to one of the Wall Street Banks most powerful entities — Goldman Sachs. He once held the post of president of that prestigious company. Cohn and Kushner are close buddies. Together, they make up a formidable White House-based, one-two punch.
Kushner, compared to Bannon, has really deep pockets. In 2007, he purchased the building, known as “666 Fifth Avenue,” in Manhattan for $1.8 billion! Kushner also owns the New York Observer, an online newspaper.
Politico is reporting the embarrassing demotion of Bannon as a big victory for the “West Wing Democrats” over the “Nationalists.” It is also a huge defeat for the “Deplorables,” who faithfully supported Trump’s candidacy. Kushner and Cohn, in this fight, are obviously the “West Wing Democrats.”

There has also been speculation in the MSM that because Bannon was getting a lot of airtime, such as his mug on the cover of Time magazine, Trump’s fragile ego just couldn’t handle it. If that were true, then it wouldn’t have taken much effort for the ambitious duo of Kushner and Cohn to play off of that kind of situation.
Some will remember how the then-First Lady, Nancy Reagan, took an intense dislike to her hubby’s publicity hound of a Secretary of State, Alexander Haig. It wasn’t long after that, the chain-smoking Haig was out of office. (His face also made it on to a Time magazine’s cover.)
Salon’s pundit, Heather Digby Parton, has an interesting take on Bannon’ sudden fall from grace. First, she blasted him as “an apocalyptic fruitcake” and his worldview as “daft.” (Oh, Heather, you are such a meanie!)
Parton noted that the late journalist, Wayne Barrett, who did a bio on Trump, thought that Bannon was the kind of dude that a President Trump would use up “quickly” and then, with no regrets, just “step over.”
Parton sees Kushner and his wife Ivanka as the emerging “power couple” in the White House, who probably ordered the “hit” on Bannon. Parton gives them the cute moniker of “Javanka.”
This kind of “Family First” thought was first espoused by author Timothy O’Brien, who also did a bio on “The Donald.” He said it was a “kiss of death,” for anybody other than a “family member to get more attention” than Donald Trump. I think Parton’ spin is right on the money.
Final warning to Steve Bannon: If you know what’s good for you, ride clear of “Javanka!”
Top photo of the White House by Bill Hughes

Bill Hughes is an attorney, author, actor and photographer. His latest book is “Byline Baltimore.” It can be found at:
Yeah, he’d better get out now before President Kushner gets hold of him. What a joke. Just a boastful ass. All hot air, that’s our Swamp Creature.
Right on the mark, Lophatt!
Bannon out, bombs are dropping.
Safe zones are a joke, this is pure empire.
Right on the mark. Thanks for the feedback.
I guess Bannon needs to be just a deferential employee to the Trump Family. But he is probably too good of a man for this scraping and bowing.
Thanks for your feedback. None of this speaks well for the future of our country under this current regime.