Heather Mizeur believes she will become governor
(Actress Sonja Sohn with Heather Mizeur. All photos by Bill Hughes)
Democratic candidate for governor of Maryland, Heather Mizeur, campaigned at the Waverly Farmers Market, at 32nd Street and Barclay, in Baltimore, this morning (Saturday, June 21th.) As she made the rounds, around 10:30 a.m., some of the folks shopping at the market gave her positive words of encouragement on her efforts.
The primary election is Tuesday, June 24th. One of her supporters shouted: “You go, Heather!” Mizeur in comments to the media said: “We’ building a movement…We are going to win it.”

Helping Mizeur to navigate the early morning crowd was the popular Baltimore City Council member, Mary Pat Clarke (14th District.)
She told me: “I feel wonderful about this election. I think she (Heather) will win it.”
Whatever the results on Tuesday night, the 24th, there’s one thing for sure – Heather Mizeur is fighting all out to win this primary election until the final bell rings.

For more photos, please see my Facebook page.

Bill Hughes is an attorney, author, actor and photographer. His latest book is “Byline Baltimore.” It can be found at: https://www.amazon.com/William-Hughes/e/B00N7MGPXO/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1