Abby Wambach is a hypocrite about men’s team
Maybe she was the face of the U.S. Womens Soccer Team and is the game’s all time leading international scorer, but I have no problem telling Abby Wambach she is a hypocrite.
Here is a woman who has also been one of the leading faces of the LGBT movement telling the world the U.S. Men’s team needs to cease using players who were born in other countries.
The last time I checked, these players, who happen to be U.S. citizens, could not help where they were born any more than a gay person can help how they were born. When an athlete, who was afforded the opportunity to achieve a level of fame and notoriety without facing the backlash of her sexual identity at a time in which Americans were greatly split on the issue, states other athletes should not be afforded the same opportunity she was given, Wambach clearly show just how hypocritical she can be.
Wambach is clearly not concerned with equality beyond herself and has done a huge disservice to the game of soccer. What does she think the reaction would have been if after a World Cup loss a member of the men’s team suggested it was due to too many lesbians on the team?
How did the recent comments of Gilbert Arenas go over about fixing the WNBA?* How has the NFL fared over how they have reacted to players who beat women and children?
Equality is not just about being allowed to do what others get to do. It’s about being held to the same standard of behavior and consequences for when you screw up. ESPN and Fox Sports needs to strongly denounce Wambach for her words and make it clear they will not employ her services when it comes to covering soccer.
Wambach, and all others who feel they have been discriminated against by a society that lacks compassion and understanding for those who may not fit the norm, should not be allowed to get away with remarks that are every bit as insensitive, unenlightened, and discriminatory in nature.
Instead, she will be given a pass by a largely sympathetic media who has no problem themselves of turning a deaf ear when it suits their interest.
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* Gilbert Arenas posted several comments, with a video, about how the WNBA conducts itself on his Instagram account. He has since removed the comments and has only one post: a raised middle finger salute. His comments:
“NOW this is what america was hoping for when they announced the #WNBA back in 1996… not a bunch of chicks running around looking like,cast members from #orangeisthenewblack…dont get me wrong,they have few #cutiepies but theres a whole alotta #beanpies running around hahahahahaha if #skylardiggins came out like this,I dont care if she missed every layup..imma buy season tickets and I dont even know where the fuck #tulsa is hahahaha #2016newwnbaoutfitPLS and if u think this is sexist,9 times out of 10 u the ugly one and we didnt pay to come see u play anyway #donkeykong”
“…A female telling me shes a #lesbian is like a video chick saying she aint a groupie…I AINT really listening to shit she saying..all im trying to do is convince her and her partner that im a #lesbianstarterkit becuz we all know two females is better then 1 lmaoooooo but that ugly part YEAHHHH they got some #boogawolfs in that league…”
“I’m trying to figure out what I would be sorry about. So basically, all the ugly girls are mad. All the ugly ones want an apology for being ugly.”

James Moore is a life long resident of California and retired school teacher with 30 years in public education. Jim earned his BA in History from CSU Chico in 1981 and his MA in Education from Azusa Pacific University in 1994. He is the author of Teaching The Teacher: Lessons Learned From Teaching and currently runs his own personal training business, In Home Jim, in Hemet, CA. Jim’s writings are often the end result of his thoughts mulled over while riding his bike for hours on end.