A Celebration of the Baltimore Symphony Musicians with Maestro Leon Fleisher
On Wednesday evening, February 27, a celebration of the Baltimore Symphony Musicians (BSM) was held at the American Visionary Art Museum on the Key Highway, in South Baltimore. Rebecca Hoffberger, the popular director of the museum, generously donated the museum space and a lovely reception.
Three members of the BSM hosted the event.
The remarkable Leon Fleisher, now 90 years young, was the maestro for the delightful musical program, which included the performance of Beethoven overture and a Mozart symphony. The audience gave the conductor and the musicians a standing ovation.
Recently, on Monday, February 25th, the Baltimore City Council passed a resolution urging the state legislators to increase funding for the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra (BSO). The resolution, championed by Councilman Eric Costello (1st District), asked the General Assembly to restore “pre-recession funding levels to the BSO.”

He added that this measure was needed so that the BSO can remain a “vital cultural and artistic asset for generations to come.”
Councilman Costello was also on hand to read his resolution. He underscored the importance of the BSO to the “culture life the city” and of keeping it as a “world-class symphony.” Costello also requested the BSM supporters and the Baltimore community to contact their legislators. This important measure will be voted on this March.
The purpose of tonight’s event was not only to “celebrate the BSM,” but for the public to continue to show its support for the Baltimore Symphony Musicians, who are working without a contract. To learn how you can help this worthy cause: go to https://actnow.io/hC19j1T
To see all of the 43 photos from this musical celebration, check out: https://www.facebook.com/

Bill Hughes is an attorney, author, actor and photographer. His latest book is “Byline Baltimore.” It can be found at: https://www.amazon.com/William-Hughes/e/B00N7MGPXO/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1