Bongino speaks out against Prince George’s County, Baltimore City Democrats at ‘No More Neglect’ rally
By Dana Amihere
Maryland senatorial candidate Dan Bongino Wednesday accused Prince George’s County and Baltimore City Democrats of ineffective policies and “neglect” of their constituents on policy issues including education and the economy.
“It’s just assumed that the folks here are going to vote Democrat, and I find that disturbing. The neglect is just incredible,” Republican Bongino said at a Temple Hills rally. “The fact that you assume people are going to vote for you because of a label regardless of any ideas or positive political solutions is just amazing.”
Bongino accused Democrats of “not showing up after the primaries.”
But Del. Justin Ross, a Prince George’s Democrat, said, “Come to the public square and let’s have a full debate of these ideas in front of our constituents, and let’s see what happens. I’m not ashamed or scared of what we stand for, and I’m willing to debate those ideas on any single corner in Prince George’s County any day of the week.”
Bongino specifically called out his opponent, U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin, and President Obama in his address to a 75-member audience, who he said specialize in soundbites.
“I’m not here to say that Ben Cardin’s an evil man or the president is an evil guy, I’m just here to tell you their ideas haven’t worked. There’s real suffering involved when those ideas just don’t pan out,” said Bongino, a former Secret Service agent who once protected Obama.
Bongino’s ideas included parents’ school choice for their children, discontinuing prevailing wage laws on public construction, and revenue generation from economic development as opposed to property assessment “on the backs” of citizens and repairing a “broken” school system.
“This the civil rights issue of our day,” Bongino said. “If your skin is black, you have a really good chance of going to a poor school in Baltimore City or Prince George’s County. Why does my daughter get to go to a school in Anne Arundel County that’s third or fourth in the state for the same tax dollars you pay, but you’re condemned to a school district –– that’s 23rd out of 24 in the state –– in the wealthiest majority minority county in the country?” is a daily news website produced by journalists committed to making state government as open, transparent, accountable and responsive as possible – in deed, not just in promise. We believe the people who pay for this government are entitled to have their money spent in an efficient and effective way, and that they are entitled to keep as much of their hard-earned dollars as they possibly can.