Beatles: John Lennon plays with Paul McCartney’s Wings
John Lennon in one of his many interviews praised Paul McCartney’s album Band on the Run. So what if Lennon actually played on that tune what would it have sounded like?
Check out this video and tell us your thoughts. Does the video destroy Lennon’s Imagine and McCartney’s Band on the Run or does it make you think what might have been if these two ever got the chance to play together what they would have produced?

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More interesting would have been a collaboration circa the end of Wings (ie. just before Lennon was murdered). Lennon is on record as saying that it was McCartney’s ‘Coming Up’, (from his 1980 experimental synth-based album ‘McCartney II’) which inspired him to get back in the studio after 5 years. They were definitely converging and the time was right since McCartney had just finished with Wings.
Earlier attempts to get back together would have failed I think but at this point both Lennon and McCartney were getting New Waved and it would have worked like a dream.