Growing attacks on Jewish and Hindu Americans
The world’s reaction to Israel’s defense against terrorist Hamas has revealed widespread anti-Semitism. The participation of the progressive elite and bright young people with promising futures in the dehumanization of Jews is shocking.
The protesters claim that their goal is to oppose Israel’s policies toward Palestinians. The fact that the vast majority of them specifically mention “Yahud” in their rhetoric, on the other hand, indicates a direct attack on Jewish identity. Slogans like “from the river to the sea,” “intifadah,” “kill them all,” and “by any means necessary” indicate support for Jewish ethnic cleansing and genocide, while amplifying Hamas’ goals of annihilating the Jewish homeland and reducing Jews to second-class citizens of an Arab state.
According to a recent report released on October 16, 2023, anti-Jewish hate crimes in America have increased by more than 37%, reaching the highest level in nearly three decades. In 2022, the FBI reported 1305 anti-Jewish hate crimes, up from 817 in 2021. This accounts for more than half of all religiously motivated hate crimes and far outnumbers the 205 reported anti-Muslim crimes. What is happening in North America is a reenactment of pre-World War Germany, when Jewish students and workers were denied the right to live normal lives.
Many Muslim nations oppose Israel because they see it as the United States’ long arm, facilitating intervention in the Middle East. Pakistan is one such country that refuses to recognize Israel. It is also the only country that forbids its citizens from visiting Israel. Pakistani critics who view American hard intervention as evil from a purely military standpoint frequently welcome American soft intervention in the form of money and goods. If some Muslims regard collaboration with the West as interference in their countries, then millions of Muslims arriving as economic migrants on a Christian continent might be viewed in the same light as Islamic interference in the West.
Millions of Pakistani Muslims live and thrive in America and Europe, providing a secure future for their children and relatives. Almost all of them arrive with no or little money and, within a few years, can build mansions in their birth country with Western funds. Many fled dictatorships for democratic countries, where they were granted rights they could never have imagined. Thousands are in the West to attend universities. Western governments welcome Pakistanis to settle permanently and enjoy constitutional guarantees and opportunities, despite questionable loyalties, an absence of gratitude, and the fact that the vast majority of them may be conservative Muslims with anti-Christian and anti-Jewish sentiments, and that their behaviors will harm local cultures, values, and freedoms.
In fact, despite becoming prosperous American or European citizens, many of them never stop praying for the capitalist system’s defeat and annihilation. Many continue to portray the West as the enemy of Muslims, and rejoice in the deaths of American soldiers fighting in Afghanistan and the Middle East. They see the Taliban’s and Hamas’ victory as an Islamic victory over infidels, and they support the Pakistani military’s duplicity in assisting the Taliban attack and killing American soldiers.
Almost all of them pray to Allah for Islam to replace Christianity and Judaism in the West. Many of them provide financial support to anti-Western terrorist organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood. Many of them sympathize with Iran’s mullah regime, which refers to the United States as the “Great Satan.” Many of them have joined grooming gangs in England, where they assault and rape Christian girls because of their dress code or liberal lifestyle. Many of them are involved in drug-related crime syndicates, putting their fellow Westerners’ safety, security, and well-being at risk.
In 2022, Pakistanis remitted nearly $30 billion to their home country, far exceeding what the Pakistani government could obtain from the IMF or the Chinese Bank. Even though Pakistanis support Chinese interests over Western ones, there are hardly any Pakistanis residing in China and sending money home. In 2022, FDI inflows from the United States into Pakistan were 257 million dollars, ranking third in the world. Pakistan earned more than $6 billion in exports to the United States the same year.
The question is, if Pakistanis choose to attack America’s allies and foreign policy, will they be willing to end their intervention on American soil and return home? No, I don’t think so.
In contrast, the majority of Hindu-Americans proudly display the Star-Spangled Banner, and support Israel’s right to defend and defeat terrorism. This is because Hindus, like Jews, are indigenous to their homeland and have long been victims of Islamist terrorism and expansionism.
India’s rise as an economic powerhouse, as well as its bold decision to support the US and Israel, has prompted many Arabs, Turks, and Iranians to label India an enemy of Muslims, and intensify the attack on Hindus under the hyphenated slogan of “Yahood o Hanood”. This is a shot in the arm for American Islamists who work tirelessly to deny peaceful Hindus due space in North America.
October, like it does for the Israelis, reminds Hindu-Americans of one of the worst genocides and forced exodus from their homeland. On October 22, 1947, Pakistani Islamists and military personnel attacked Kashmir and killed over 35,000 locals in the name of liberating the Islamic lands. The terrorists raped, kidnapped, and sold thousands of Hindu and Muslim girls as slaves. Many dead and mutilated Hindus were thrown into the Jhelum River, where their bodies were seen floating for miles.
To avoid kidnapping and rape, many Hindu families poisoned or drowned their daughters and sisters in wells. Many major cities, including Poonch and Mirpur, were completely cleansed of Hindus. In Mirpur alone, an estimated 25,000 Hindus and Sikhs were killed, with the remainder forced to flee to the Jammu district. Today, there isn’t a single Hindu among the 600,000 residents of Mirpur district. This left a psychological scar on the people of Jammu and Kashmir, including many local Muslims who joined Hindus in repelling the Islamists. They were labeled traitors by the marauders and subjected to the same atrocities as Hindus.
The world largely ignored this atrocity against Hindus, just as it ignores Hamas’s atrocities against Jews today. The lack of accountability allows Pakistan to continue occupying one-third of Kashmir, including the northern districts of Gilgit and Baltistan.
The Pakistani mosques that collect donations do so not only to support the invasion of Kashmir, but also to eliminate India’s Hindu majority. As in the case of Kashmir, the Arab Islamists will continue to attack Jews even if Palestine is handed to them on a silver platter. A liberated Palestine will serve as the base for effectively employing salami-slicing encroachment tactics against Israel. They would want their flags in Jaffa and Haifa, and nothing less.
As Pakistan’s economy worsens, hundreds of thousands of Islamists and pro-Chinese Pakistanis will flee to the US. The long-term cultural and political consequences of such demographic changes are irreversible, eroding the social fabric and tarnishing the country’s international standing.
Most Pakistanis who battle over racial and caste differences in their home country band together under Islamism once they arrive in the West. Islamism is also a significant constituency and political anchor for many Asian and African immigrants. Surprisingly, almost all of these anti-Hindu and anti-Semitic immigrants prefer to vote for the Democrats in the US and the Labour Party in the UK. The fact that Islamists seek comfort and refuge in political ideologies labeled as liberal is not a positive trait. Liberals need to reevaluate their party manifesto and policies to end the protection and advancement of Islamists.
Recently, Sacha Baron Cohen accused TikTok of fomenting the largest anti-Semitic movement since the Nazis. Immigrants who have benefited from American capitalism and amassed wealth as a result of equal opportunity policies are collaborating with the Chinese-controlled apparatus to cause havoc for Jews and Hindus. One such name is Connecticut-based Neville Roy Singham, who has been accused of collaborating with Chinese groups to fund global anti-Hindu and anti-Israel protests.
False claims and narratives about events in Gaza on liberal media are triggering collective punishment against the global Jewish community, with Jews in the West being punished for what is happening in the Middle East. The liberal media is protecting Islamists while downplaying and covering up Hamas’ hate-mongering and war crimes. The careless and dishonest reporting by the New York Times, CNN, and BBC about Israel bombing a Gaza hospital and killing 500 Palestinians helped give America’s and Israel’s enemies psychological and diplomatic victories. The same media censures anyone who discusses the origins and causes of religious-based terrorism as racist and Islamophobic.
We must investigate how Islamists and pro-China lobbies have abused the freedoms guaranteed by our constitution to hijack American society and economy. It is natural for the left to criticize and undermine capitalism. But it’s bizarre that the vast majority of Muslims who immigrated to America to pursue the American dream would descend into anarchy. The Americans who engage in violence and mayhem while espousing hatred and isolation for Jews and Hindus may not harm Israel or India, but their actions will make their neighborhoods unlivable. American-Muslims, who uphold the rule of law should condemn Islamists who live comfortably in the multicultural West, but instead of showing gratitude, turn their neighborhoods into ghettos and no-go zones. If Muslims continue to use violence as a political tool, they will turn the American dream into an American nightmare for future immigrants.
Muslim Americans’ lack of empathy for the massacre, gang rape, and kidnapping of over 1400 Israelis, as well as their justification of Hamas attacks, demonstrates that they are not doing enough to adopt the core American values of coexistence and fairness that have made this country great. Segregation has a direct impact on the health of the social fabric, and Muslim parents viewing non-Muslim Americans through the lens of religion may limit their children’s and grandchildren’s socioeconomic prospects.
Many of us left our Islamic societies and moved to the West because our systems were broken and unlivable. We should not pass on to our children the toxic political values and cancerous behaviors that we inherited from our birthplaces, because doing so would turn the United States into the failed countries from which we came. If America has brought us joy and comfort, let us not turn it into the countries where we previously lived unhappy lives.
Our behaviors may force the US Congress to change immigration laws. The supporters of Islamists and Chinese interests have only themselves to blame if rising anarchy and religious hatred result in immigrants having their residency and citizenship revoked, or children born in the United States to lawless non-American parents lose automatic right to citizenship.
Israel has reiterated that there will be no permanent ceasefire with terrorist Hamas as it does not believe in rewarding bad behavior. In the same light, the US government should not appease or reward Americans who use arson and vandalism to achieve political objectives. Instead, the immigrants who reject violence, and love life, and proudly raise the American flag, and embrace all religions should be encouraged to join the league of decision-makers.
Despite assertions from the White House, the time is not ripe to embrace the two-state solution because the vast majority of Palestinians are openly anti-Semites and adhere to a radical and confrontational political path. As such, a sovereign Palestine – located at the crossroads of three continents – will replace Afghanistan as the global terrorist hub. This country would exist on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, and right next to the Suez Canal, which is the only viable sea route for goods from Europe and North America to the Indian Ocean. It is not prudent to establish a sovereign country that could jeopardize regional peace by lending naval ports to our adversaries.
A better idea would be to let Israel handle Palestine’s defense and foreign affairs while the quartet of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Jordan shoulder the task of de-radicalizing the society. The quartet should oversee the establishment of local governments in Gaza and the West Bank and set on the path of long-term economic growth and peaceful coexistence with the Jewish community.
President Biden must not lose sight of China’s desire to expand its presence in the Middle East. The communists intend to assist the Islamists in destabilizing IMEC and create an existential threat to global peace and prosperity.

Senge Sering is the President of Gilgit Baltistan Institute in Washington D.C.