Jeremy Meeks: Sure I would date him
I’ve always dated the Bad Boys. The ones that cheat, abuse, lie, and then leave me with nothing but a broken heart. So, would I date Internet sensation, Jeremy Meeks? Of course I would, the list of losers I’ve dated were not nearly that good-looking! #sorrymom
I’ve read the horrible things the authorities are saying about this sexy monster, but when I look at his mugshot I really don’t care. What I see are those ultra hot neck tattoos, the sad tear tattoo rolling down his face, chiseled features and those hard-core baby blues. All I can think about is unwrapping that orange jumpsuit on the hunt for more tattoos. I realize he used to be in a gang (and probably still is), but in our culture it’s ok to worship gangbangers since we glamorize thug life in rap music. Good job ‘Merica!
This gorgeous gangster was arrested on weapons charges and street terrorism, is that so bad? Hollywood makes movies about these sexy hoodlums all the time, Maybe Brad Pitt can play Jeremy in this movie and I’ll play the arresting officer. “Put your hands on the car and spread ‘em, you seductive heathen!” #sorrynotsorry posted today that Jeremy’s come-hither look can bank him between $15-$30K a month! That’s an amazing amount of money for someone who’s spent most of his time either in prison or in a gang. Basically, if you’re a convicted felon, you’ve got two choices to be rich & famous: become a supermodel or a rapper. There’s no longer a need to laser off those arousing tattoos and go to college! Good job ‘Merica!
I wanted to get to know more about Steamy McMugshot and his scandalous life on the streets, so I searched the Internet for some gangster rap. Listening to Kanye West, I started to feel nauseous so I switched to Eazy-E and drifted into gangster dreamland staring at Jeremy’s kissable lips. I imagined us together like 2 Hard Mutha’s. #ihatekanye
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If you wanna get to know me just follow me on Instagram FeatherGirl77 where I post some seriously unlawful selfies. You can also find me on Twitter @jaimiebeebe if you’ve got something to say, or Facebook
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At the age of 36, Jaimie has gone on one adventure after another. Getting an idea in her head she isn’t afraid to jump into action… Usually with no planning and never considering the consequences. At 17 she left her small Iowa town to follow the band Phish and live in her car, she spent time protesting logging in Oregon, got arrested for organizing a topless march in Ohio, received a Bachelor’s degree in photography, spent a month camping in the forest at a rainbow gathering, received a Master’s degree in Music Management, managed some rock bands, modeled for Playboy, slept with a rock & roll legend a few times (hey, you would too), sold real estate in Los Angeles, bought a condo in Las Vegas and lost it to the bank when the market crashed, built her house in the Hollywood Hills in a bikini after the contractor she hired stole her money, took classes to become a magician, wrote articles and columns published in several magazines and websites, ran a production company, produced commercials with huge stars like John Stamos and Betty White and currently owns a casting company. And now she’s taking her readers with her on her next adventure: Mancation.
Then you really do deserve any of the deleterious consequences of your poor choices in men. Women like this are the reason gender relations are disintegrating the most rapidly. MGTOW.
Good Job ’Merica! Ha ha!