When should you get care for COVID-19? Take the quick assessment

Do you think you or a family member may have been exposed? Based on CDC recommendations, the University
of Southern California’s Gehr Center and Akido Labs has developed an online assessment tool, which will
help determine what to do if you think you have symptoms of COVID-19 or may have been

Baltimore Post-Examiner is run by a creative cadre of dedicated journalists – some who worked at the Washington Post, Baltimore Examiner and other regional and national publications. It’s the Post-Examiner because we love the play on the word “Post” but we are also hoping to answer that question: What’s next after newspapers? We see a lot of websites come and go – and many simply are not making it for various reasons. We have been a model of success since we launched in 2012 with “a little bit of everything” and we aim to continue to break that cycle of websites coming and going.